About RegioRadar
RegioRadar Eindhoven is an initiative of Uit in Eindhoven and Eindhoven Marketing, organised together in Uit in Eindhoven Regio - a network organisation that links the 21 regional municipalities and cultural organisations. The goal? To promote culture, tourism and facilities in the Brainport region and to give them a boost on the basis of structural cooperation, in the interests of the more than 750,000 residents and visitors. Realised within the framework of the Brainport National Action Agenda with a contribution from Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven.
Uit in Eindhoven Regio (Uit in Eindhoven, Stichting Eindhoven Marketing)
Concept, design, redactie
Insiders Online
UX-design, technische realisatie en beheer
November 2021
Privacy & Cookies
The editors of RegioRadar Eindhoven retain the freedom to adjust and maintain the content as they see fit and have the right to adjust photos and texts. If a location or activity does not meet the posting requirements, we will contact the supplier in an attempt to complete missing information. Also, the editors may decide to take items offline that do not meet the posting conditions.